course aims in Estonian
Kursuse eesmärk on anda ülevaade küberturvalisuse valdkonnast, küberintsidentide lahendamisest ja küberturvalisuse edendamisest organisatsioonis.
course aims in English
The aim of the course is to give an overview of main aspects of cyber security, setting up incident response processes and basic management of cyber security in an organization.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Õppeaine läbinud üliõpilane:
- tunneb ja rakendab küberturvalisuse valdkonna terminoloogiat ning põhimõisteid;
- tuvastab ja analüüsib küberturvalisuse valdkonna peamisi riske ning ohtusid;
- rakendab peamisi võtteid intsidendihalduse korraldamiseks;
- tuvastab ja analüüsib infosüsteemide ristsõltuvusi.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After completing this course, the student:
- identifies and applies the terminology and main aspects of cyber security;
- identifies and analyses main cyber risks and threats;
- identifies and implements different levels in incident response;
- identifies and analyses cross-dependencies between cyber and non-cyber factors.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Aine on mõeldud eelkõige õppekavade IVDM, HAGM, YVEM ja IAFM üliõpilastele ja deklaratsioonide aktsepteerimisel eelistatakse neid.
Kursuse eesmärk on anda osalejale ülevaade küberturvalisuse põhiaspektidest ja kursusel käsitletakse järgnevaid teemasid:
- sissejuhatus küberturvalisusesse;
- küberohumaastik:
- küberturvalisuse standardid, infoturbejuhendid ja suunised;
- intsidendihaldus;
- kriitilise infrastruktuuri küberkaitse ja ristsõltuvused.
brief description of the course in English
The subject is intended in particular for students of IVDM, HAGM, YVEM and IAFM and preference will be given to them when accepting declarations.
The aim of the course is to provide the overview of main aspects of cyber security and the course includes the following topics:
- introduction to cyber security;
- cyber threat landscape
- cyber security standards, policies and guidelines;
- incident response;
- malware;
- critical information infrastructure protection and interdependencies.
type of assessment in Estonian
Ründepuu etteantud sihtmärgi kohta - 20%
Online keskkonna ja mobiilirakenduse kasutustingimuste analüüs - 20%
Infoturbe juhend - 30%
Lõpuseminari osalus - 10%
Kirjalik online eksam - 20%
The final grade for each student is formed by homework, tabletop participation, and exam results. The grades will be assigned as follows:
- score > 90 - grade 5 (excellent)
- 80 < score ≤ 90 - grade 4 (very good)
- 70 < score ≤ 80 - grade 3 (good)
- 60 < score ≤ 70 - grade 2 (satisfactory)
- 50 < score ≤ 60 - grade 1 (pass)
- score ≤ 50 - grade 0 (failed)
type of assessment in English
1) Attack tree against a preassigned target - 20%
2) Analysis of Terms of Use and Terms and Conditions of an online environment and a mobile app - 20%
3) Information Security Manual - 30%
4) Final seminar participation - 10%
5) Written online Exam - 20%
Final grade:
The final grade for each student is formed by homework, tabletop participation, and exam results. The grades will be assigned as follows:
- score > 90 - grade 5 (excellent)
- 80 < score ≤ 90 - grade 4 (very good)
- 70 < score ≤ 80 - grade 3 (good)
- 60 < score ≤ 70 - grade 2 (satisfactory)
- 50 < score ≤ 60 - grade 1 (pass)
- score ≤ 50 - grade 0 (failed)
independent study in Estonian
Kodused tööd vastavalt Moodle'i juhendile
independent study in English
Homework assignments as per instructions in Moodle.
study literature
Course web page:
Course materials and additional reading will be available to registered students in Moodle environment / Kursuse lugemismaterjalid ja lisamaterjalid on registreerunud üliõpilastele kättesaadavad Moodle keskkonnas
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):
lecturer in charge
Sille Arikas, külalisõppejõud (IT - tarkvarateaduse instituut)