course aims in Estonian
Semestriprojekt on jätk e-tervise aluseid käsitlevale kursusele ja 1. semestril toimunud häkatonile. Aine eesmärk on häkatonil loodud uue toote või teenuse kavandamine ning edasine rakendamine. See annab võimaluse testida reaalses elus digitervise ettevõtte, poliitikameetme- või tootearenduse käivitamist, saades tagasisidet ja nõu oma ala spetsialistidelt.
course aims in English
The semester project is a continuation of the e-health basics course and the hackathon held during the first semester. It is a possibility to try out real-life digital health business, policy or product development. The students have the freedom to individually plan their time and effort, but are expected to present their progress during 3 check-point presentations and broader feedback rounds. The aim of the semester project is to give a possibility to envision, plan and work on the implementation of a new digital health product/service.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Aine läbinud üliõpilane:
- arendab digitaalset terviseinnovatsiooni;
- tunneb meeskonnatöö põhimõtteid ja eristab selle rolle;
- kavandab digitaalse tervishoiuteenuse rakendusteed;
- testib hüpoteesi;
- pitchib ja esitleb äriideed;
- saab aru, kuidas innovatsiooniprojekte läbi viiakse.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After completing this course the student:
- develops digital health innovation;
- is familiar with team-work and knows role distinctions;
- plans the implementation pathway for a digital health service;
- tests hypothesis;
- pitches and presents a business idea;
- understands, what it means to actually start innovation projects.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Semestriprojekt on jätk häkatonil arendatud ideedele, andes meeskondadele võimaluse proovida reaalse elu digitaalset terviseäri, poliitika- või tootearendust. Õppeaine ajakava planeerib ja määrab õpilane individuaalselt. Projekti hinnatakse 3-4 etapis, kus meeskonna ülesandeks on esitleda oma edusamme ning saadud tagasiside põhjal parendada loodud toodet või teenust. Semestriprojekti eesmärk on anda tudengile ettekujutus ning arusaam, mida ühe e-tervise toote või teenuse rakendamine tegelikkuses tähendaks.
brief description of the course in English
The semester project is a continuation of the hackathon ideas, providing the teams with a possibility to try out real-life digital health business, policy or product development. The students have the freedom to individually plan their time and effort. During the development process, progress will be evaluated through 3-4 presentations and broader feedback rounds demonstrating the advancement of the project. The goal of the semester project is to give the students a possibility to envision, plan and really get the feeling of what it would actually mean to implement a digital health product/service.
type of assessment in Estonian
type of assessment in English
independent study in Estonian
independent study in English
study literature
Õppejõu soovitusel.
Requested by the lecturer.
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):
lecturer in charge
Kadi Lubi, vanemteadur (IH - tervisetehnoloogiate instituut)