course aims in Estonian
Anda baasteadmised ettevõtte rahandusest. Tutvustada rahanduse põhiinstrumente ja meetodeid, s.t. raha ajaline väärtus ja risk/tulusus.
course aims in English
To give a basic knowledge of corporate finance. To introduce the basic tools and techniques of finance, ie. Time value of money, and risk/return.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Aine läbinud üliõpilane:
- omab ülevaadet raha ajaväärtuse kontseptsioonist ning oskab seda rakendada erinevate rahanduslike probleemide lahendamisel;
- tunneb ettevõtte finantsaruandeid ning oskab hinnata ettevõtte finantsseisundit erinevate finantssuhtarvude alusel;
- teab ja oskab rakendada põhilisi investeerimisprojektide hindamise meetodeid;
- tunneb peamisi kapitali struktuuri teooriaid ning oskab hinnata ettevõtte kapitali hinda;
- mõistab finantsturgude toimimist ja tunneb kasutatavaid instrumente.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After completing this course the student:
- has a thorough overview of the concept of time value of money and is able to apply these tools for solving different finance problems;
- is familiar with financial statements of a company and is able to evaluate company's financial position by applying financial ratios;
- knows and is able to apply the basic capital budgeting techniques;
- knows the main capital structure theories and is able to determine the company's cost of capital;
- understands the operation of financial markets and is familiar with common financial instruments.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Sissejuhatus rahandusse. Finantsaruanded, maksud ja rahavood. Finantsaruannetega töötamine. Sissejuhatus hindamisse (raha ajaline väärtus). Ajaldatud rahavoo hindamine. Intressimäärad ja obligatsioonide hindamine. Aktsiate hindamine. Suhtarvude analüüs. Investeerimisprojektide hindamine. Õppetunnid kapitalituru ajaloost. Tasuvusrisk ja börsikõver. Sissejuhatus optsioonidesse. Ettevõtte kapitali hind. Kapitali emiteerimine. Ettevõtte kapitalistruktuur ja võimendus. Dividendid. Investeeringute planeerimine.
brief description of the course in English
Introduction to Finance. Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash flow. Working with Financial Statements. Introduction to Valuation (The Time Value of Money). Discounted Cash Flow Valuation. Interest Rates and Bond Valuation. Stock Valuation. Ratio Analysis. Capital budgeting. Some Lessons from Capital Market History. Return Risk and the Security Market Line. Introduction to options. Cost of capital. Raising capital. Financial leverage and capital structure. Dividends. Financial planning.
Introductory video for EuroTeQ students:
type of assessment in Estonian
1) 20% kodused ülesanded. 2) 20% kontrolltöö. 3) 60% eksam.
type of assessment in English
1) 20% homework. 2) 20% midterm exam. 3) 60% final exam.
independent study in Estonian
Kodusete ülesannete lahendamine, õppematerjalide lugemine, ettevalmistus kontrolltööks ja eksamiks.
independent study in English
Solving homework, reading the book and lecture notes, preparation for midterm and final exam.
study literature
Ross, Westerfield, and Jordan. Corporate Finance Fundamentals. 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):