course aims in Estonian
Anda teadmisi ettevõtte kulude arvestamiseks erinevatele kuluobjektidele, kasutades selleks erinevaid metoodikaid.
course aims in English
To provide students with knowledge of cost accounting for different cost objects by using different costing methods.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Üliõpilane oskab kujundada omahinna mudeleid erinevate meetodite alusel. Oskab analüüsida tekkinud kuluhälvete põhjuseid. Suudab luua varude kulukontode süsteemi ja koostada kuluarvestuse tüüplausendeid.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
Students will have sufficient knowledge to create cost models by using different costing methods, to analyse reasons for cost variances, to create the cost account system for inventory and prepare the main journal entries.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Kuluarvestuse olemus, kulude liigitus. Tellimuspõhine kuluarvestus. Protsessipõhine kuluarvestus. Tegevuspõhine kuluarvestus. Standardkulude arvestus. Varude juhtimine, tellimuse suurus. Vastutuspõhine arvestus, allüksuste kulude jaotamine. Muutuvkulu- ja täiskulumeetod. Ühiskulude jaotamine. Ühendkulud. Sissejuhatus kuluhälvete analüüsi.
brief description of the course in English
The matter of cost accounting matter, cost classification, job-order costing, process costing, activity based costing, standard costing, inventory management, responsibility accounting, Allocation of department costs, direct and absorption costing, common costs and joint costs. Introduction to cost variance analysis.
type of assessment in Estonian
Kirjalik eksam
type of assessment in English
Written exam
independent study in Estonian
independent study in English
Home assignment
study literature
Horngren, Ch. T., Foster, G., Datar, S. Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis. 12th ed. Prentice Hall, 2006. Drury, C. Management & Cost Accounting. 6th ed. Business Press, 2004
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):