course aims in Estonian
Magistritaseme kursus. Eesmärk on anda teadmised, kuidas toimetada digitaalse info ja tõenditega küberuurimise erinevates etappides.
course aims in English
This course is addressed to master students. General objective of the course is to provide the audience with knowledge on how to deal with digital information and evidence throughout the different stages of cyber investigation.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Aine läbinud üliõpilane:
- määratleb ja selgitab küberuurimisega ning elektrooniliste tõendite kasutamisega seotud protseduurilisi probleeme;
- näitab oma oskust rakendada vastavaid õiguslikke lahendusi äriühingu turvalisusega seotud juhtumitele ning küberkuritegudele;
- annab andmekaitsealast nõu ja assisteerib küberuurimisi.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
By the end of the course the students:
- identify and explain the procedural challenges related to cyber investigations and electronic evidence;
- demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate legal responses to enterprise security incidents and cybercrimes;
- provide data security compliance counselling and assist cyber investigations.
brief description of the course in Estonian
1. Sissejuhatus küberjuhtumitesse
2. Õigusallikad, küberkuritegude õigus ja rahvusvahlised inimõigused
3. Sissejuhatus digitaalsesse kohtuekspertiisi ja küberkuritegude uurimisse
4. Küberuurimisteja digitaalse kohtuekspertiisi praktilised küsimused
5. Küberkuritegevuse vastase võitluse rahvusvaheline koostöö
6. Küberturvalisus, andmekaitse ja küberkuritegude ärahoidmine
7. Digitaalne tõend ja küberuurimised tsiviilasjades
brief description of the course in English
1. Introduction to cyber events and incidents
2. Legal frameworks, cybercrime law and international human rights
3. Introduction to digital forensics and cybercrime investigations
4. Practical aspects of cybercrime investigations and digital forensics
5. International cooperation against cybercrime
6. Cybersecurity, data security and cybercrime prevention
7. Digital evidence and cyber investigations in civil cases
type of assessment in Estonian
eristav hindamine
type of assessment in English
graded assessment
independent study in Estonian
vastavalt laiendatud ainekavale
independent study in English
according to the extended syllabus
study literature
- Holt, Thomas J., et al. Cybercrime and Digital Forensics: An Introduction. vol. Second edition, Routledge, 2018
- International Telecommunications Union, Understanding cybercrime: Phenomena, challenges and legal response, 2014,
- Stephen Mason, Daniel Seng, Electronic Evidence, 4th edition, available
- John S Atkinson, Proof is Not Binary: The Pace and Complexity of Computer Systems and the Challenges Digital Evidence Poses to the Legal System
- ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):