course aims in Estonian
Digitaalse intellektuaalomandiõiguse kohta põhjalike teadmiste andmine. Kursusel osalemiseks ei olev vaja eelnevaid intellektuaalomandialaseid teadmisi.
course aims in English
This course is an in-depth analysis of important aspects and case laws of digital intellectual property related laws. Prior knowledge of intellectual property law is not a prerequisite.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Kursuse läbinud üliõpilane:
- selgitab intellektuaalomandiõiguse filosoofilisi, ajaloolisi ja õiguslikke aluseid;
- selgitab digitaalse intellektuaalomandiõiguse eri liike kaubamärgi, autoriõiguse ja patentide kontketis ning nende olulisemaid erinevusi;
- võrdleb ja eristab analüütiliselt digitaalse intellektuaalomandi teooriaid ja kontseptsioone.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After passing the course student:
- explains the philosophical, historical and legal foundations of intellectual property laws;
- explains the essence of various types of digital intellectual property laws in the context of trade marks, copyrights and patents and their main differences;
- compares and contrasts analytically the theories and concepts to laws concerning digital intellectual property.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Kursus tutvustab erinevaid digitaalse intellektuaalomandiõiguse valdkondi ning õiguslikke regulatsioone. Osasid teemasid käsitletakse sügavalt. Rõhk on kaasustel.
brief description of the course in English
This course introduces students to the various areas of digital intellectual property and law There is an in depth analysis of key side subjects. Due emphasis is laid on appropriate case laws.
type of assessment in Estonian
Lõpphinne kujuneb eraldi osade koondina.
type of assessment in English
The final grade is formed as a set of separate parts.
independent study in Estonian
vastavalt laiendatud ainekavale
independent study in English
according to the extended syllabus
study literature
Cornish, W., Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks & Allied Rights (2010), Sweet & Maxwell
Kitchin, D., Llewelyn, D., Mellor, J., Kerly's Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names (2011), Sweet & Maxwell
Miller, R., Burkill, G. and others, Terrell on the Law of Patents (2010), Sweet & Maxwell
Garnett, K., Davies, G., and Harbottle, G., Copinger and Skone James on Copyright: Mainwork and Supplement (2010), Sweet & Maxwell
Articles and material uploaded in Moodle
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):