course aims in Estonian
Kursuse eesmärk on omandada:
- baasteadmisi Fintechi reguleerivates õgusaktidest ja regulatsiooni arengusuundadest ehk uutest tehingu ning teabe edastamise vormidest finantsturul, kapitali kaasamise vormidest, aga samuti sellega seotud järelevalve väljakutsetest;
- oskused teamiste kasutamiseks teemakohase informatsiooni leidmiseks ja kasutamiseks praktikas kaasuste analüüsimisel.
course aims in English
The course aims to:
- give general knowledge of applicable legal acts and future developments of legal background related to aspects of Fintech, usage of new forms of preparing and concluding transactions in financial markets, raising capital and the challenges of supervision;
- provide skills to find relevant information and apply the knowledge in analysing and discussing easier legal cases in practice.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Aine läbinud üliõpilane:
- selgitab finantsturu regulatsiooni aluseid ja finantsteenuste innovaatilisi aspekte (sh ühisrahastus, virtuaalvääringud, pilveteenus);
- selgitab ja kohaldab finantsturu regulatsiooni innovaatilisi aspekte, sh koostoimes Euroopa Liidu õigusega ja arvestades finantsjärelevalve suundumusi;
- analüüsib kursuse teemaküsimusi ja kohaldab õigusalaste probleemküsimuste lahendamisel asjakohaseid norme ja printsiipe.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After passing the course successfully the student:
- explains general principles of law and legal norms related to financial markets and the innovative aspects of financial services, regulated entities (including crowdfunding, virtual assets, cloud services);
- explains and applies the development of regulation of financial markets in the view of innovation, including application of EU law, the role of supervisory authorities;
- analyses themes treated in a course and discusses topical legal questions applying the principles of argumentation.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Õppeaines käsitatakse järgmisi teemasid: finantsturu areng ja selle seotus tehnoloogiaga, kapitali kaasamise vormide areng; EL õiguse reaktsioon Fintech valdkonna arengule: ühisrahastuse regulatsioon, virtuaalvääringute regulatsioon; finantsteenuse pakkuja arhitektuuri muutus – pilveteenused, uuendused makseteenustes ja muud tehnoloogilised uuendused.
brief description of the course in English
The course covers the following topics: the development of the financial market and its connection with technology, the development of forms of raising capital; EU law response to developments in the field of Fintech: regulation on crowdfunding, legal aspects of virtual currencies; financial service provider architectural change - cloud services, new trends in payment services and other technological innovations.
type of assessment in Estonian
eristav hindamine
type of assessment in English
graded assessment
independent study in Estonian
vastavalt laiendatud ainekavale
independent study in English
according to the extended syllabus
study literature
- Fintech Revolution. Sofie Blakstad, Robert Allen, Palgrave Macmillan. 2018;
- EU FinTech action plan: For a more competitive and innovative European financial sector,;
- Study on Blockchains - Legal, governance and interoperability aspects (SMART 2018/0038)
- Directive (EU) 2018/843 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive (EU) 2015/849 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, and amending Directives 2009/138/EC and 2013/36/EU
- Finantsturud ja –institutsioonid. Andro Roos, Priit Sander, Maire Nurmet, Nadežda Ivanova. Tartu Ülikool, rahanduse ja majandusarvestuse õppetool. 2014
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):