course aims in Estonian
Anda teadmised sellest, et mis on tehnoloogiliste toodete ja andmebaaside õiguslik režiim ning kuidas neid tooteid turul käsitletakse, samuti nendega seotud intellektuaalomandi kaitsest. Samuti antakse teadmised IT toodete ja andmebaaside kui kauba õiguslikest meetmetest.
course aims in English
The purpose of this course is to give an overview of what is the legal regime of information technology products and databases, and how such products are legally treated on the market of exchange of values as well as to give an overview of the role of various intellectual property rights upon the protection of IT-products. The second central theme of the course is to provide an introduction of the legal mechanics of exchange of IT products and databases.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
1) analüüsib IT toodete, tarkvara ja andmebaaside õiguskaitsest;
2) võrdleb erinevaid lähenemisvõimalusi, et õiguslikult kaitsta IT tooteid, tarkvara ja andmebaase;
3) koostab tehnoloogialepingu projekti.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
The student:
1) analyses the legal protection possibilities of IT products, software and databases;
2) compares the different approaches to legal protection of IT products, software and databases;
3) drafts a technology contract
brief description of the course in Estonian
Interdistsiplinaarse kursusena keskendutakse konkreetsetele objektidele: IT tooted, tarkvara ja andmebaasid. Õigusalased teadmised, mis võimaldavad lahendada üksikjuhtumeid praktikas.
brief description of the course in English
This is an interdisciplinary course focussing on specific objects, IT products, software and databases. The course permits students to get to know a wide spectrum of legal issues that relate to these objects and this shall in its turn enable the student to acquire instrumental skills for the handling of legal problems related to them in real-life situations.
type of assessment in Estonian
eristav hindamine
type of assessment in English
graded assessment
independent study in Estonian
vastavalt laiendatud ainekavale ja hindamiskriteeriumidele.
independent study in English
According to the extended syllabus and evaluation criteria.
study literature
Ian J. Lloyd, Information Technology law, Oxford, 2014
Robert T.J. Bond, Software Contract Agreements, Drafting and Negotiating Techniques and Precedents, Thorogood, 2004
H. Ward Classen, A Practical Guide to Software Licensing for Licensees and Licensors, ABA publication, 2007
David W. Tollen, The Tech Contracts Handbook, 2nd edition, ABA publication, 2015. Täpsem loetelu antakse loengus. Additional literature is given in a lecture.
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):