course aims in Estonian
Aine eesmärgiks on anda tudengile teadmised isikute õigustest, kohustustest ja vastutusest internetis. Tudeng suudab analüüsida internetis toimimise õiguslikke tagajärgi ning näha õiguslikke probleemkohti. Tudeng oskab näha erinevaid olulisi asjaolusid õiguste vastu rääkivuse ja tasakaalustamise puhul.
course aims in English
The purpose of this course is to give the knowledge of rights, obligations and liability of actors on the internet. The particular nature of this field of interaction - the internet - introduces specific new legal problems and the purpose of this course is to get to know the main legal concepts and theories created in legal systems for addressing such problems. The course also concentrates on the analysis of contractual framework between internet actors and introduces main types of contracts used between actors on the internet.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
1) võrdleb erinevate isikute õigusi ja kohustusi internetis toiminguid tehes;
2) lahendab kaasuseid ning selgitab õiguslikke probleeme toimingute tegemisel internetis;
3) määratleb õiguslikud probleemid ja pakub lahenduskäike testülesannetes;
4) analüüsib kohtu otsuseid ning selgitab neis olulist.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
The student:
1) compares the rights and obligations of persons in internet;
2) solves cases and explains legal problems concerned internet;
3) defines legal problems and offers solutions in tests;
4) analyses court decisions and ecplains their content.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Antud aine katab: 1) inimõiguste ja tehnoloogia ühisosa ehk kuidas inimõigused puutuvad ja on seotud internetiga, 2) andmekaitset (sh andmete kogumine ja hoiustamine), 3) internetti üles- ja allalaadimise õiguslikke küsimusi, 4) interneti teenuste pakkujate õigusi, kohustusi ja vastutust, 5) interneti mõju intellektuaalomandile ning intellektuaalomandi valdkonda sh õiguskaitse, 6) reprodutseerimine, "reverse engineering", "behavioural advertising".
brief description of the course in English
The course will cover following subjects: 1) human rights and technology, how are human rights connected to the Internet, 2) data protection (including collecting and storing the data), 3) uploading and downloading from the Internet, 4) rights, obligations and liability of the ISPs, 5) intellectual property (how Internet has affected the legal protection of IP), 6) reproducing, reverse engineering and behavioural advertising.
type of assessment in Estonian
eristav hindamine
type of assessment in English
graded assessment
independent study in Estonian
Materjalide lugemine loenguks, kaasuste ja ülesannete lahendamine loenguks, kohtukaasuse analüüs ja esitlus loengus. Vastavalt laiendatud ainekavale ja hindamiskriteeriumidele.
independent study in English
Reading materials for the course, solving presented cases and tasks for the course for discussions, courst case analysis and presentation during the lecture. According to the extended syllabus.
study literature
Presented in moodle
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):