course aims in Estonian
Aine tutvustab tudengitele eetika ja inimõiguste teemasid tehnoloogia arengu kontekstis. Tudengit valmistatakse ette eetika ja inimõiguste põhiolemuse osas, sealhulgas valdkonnas toimuvaid debatte. See annab tudengitele teadmised ja oskused, et analüüsida tehnoloogia arengu käigus ilmnevaid küsimusi inimõiguste ja eetika vaatenurgast.
course aims in English
This course introduces students to ethics and human rights issues in the context of the development of technology. It aims to prepare the student in the basics of ethics and human rights, including the main current debates in the field. It also aims to give the students the knowledge and skills to analyse emerging issues related to the development of technology from the point of view of human rights and ethics.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Õppeaine edukal läbimisel üliõpilane:
- selgitab peamistesi teoreetilisti lähtekohti inimõigustele ja eetikale, samuti olulisi põhimõtteid ja nende praktilist rakendamist;
- selgitab peamisi rahvusvaheliste, regionaalsete ja siseriiklike inimõiguste kaitse mehhanismide koostoimimisi;
- demontsreerib oskust leida väljakutseid ja võimalusi, mida konkreetsed tehnoloogiad tähendavad inimõiguste kaitsele;
- arutab eetilisi küsimusi tehnoloogia arengu kontekstis; formuleerib eetilisi argumente iseseisvalt ning asetada need olemasolevate teooriate raamistikku.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After successfully passing the subject the student:
- is informed of the main features of different theoretical approaches to human rights and ethics, as well as the
main principles and the practical application;
- explains in broad terms the functioning of the main international, regional and national
human rights protection mechanisms and their interaction with each other;
- identifies challenges and possibilities that specific technologies entail for ensuring human
rights protection;
- discusses ethical questions in the context of technological development; can formulate ethical arguments independently and place these into the framework of known theories.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Aines käsitletakse inimõiguste ja eetika põhiküsimusi tehnoloogia arengu kontekstis. See tutvustab tudengitele peamisi debatte, mis valdkonnas toimuvad. Räägitakse erinevate osaliste (nagu riigid, rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid, vabakond, ettevõtted ja üksikisikud) vastutusest inimõiguste kaitses. Teemad, mida käsitletakse võivad sisaldada näiteks lausjälitust, biotehnoloogiat, tehisintellekti, autonoomseid relvasüsteeme, privaatsust digitaalajastul, identiteedivargust ja kliimamuutust.
brief description of the course in English
The course looks at the foundational issues related to human rights and ethics, in the context of developing technologies. It introduces the students to the main debates in the field. It covers the responsibilities of different actors such as states, businesses and individuals in ensuring human rights protection. Among the topics covered are issues such as mass-surveillance, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, autonomous weapon systems, privacy in the digital age, identity theft, and climate change.
type of assessment in Estonian
eristav hindamine
type of assessment in English
graded assessment
independent study in Estonian
vastavalt aine kodulehelt Moodles kättesaadavale õpijuhisele
independent study in English
according to the learning guidelines in the Moodle course
study literature
Alston, Philip, and Ryan Goodman. International Human Rights: Text and Materials. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Kerikmäe, T.; Rull, A. (Eds.) (2016). The Future of Law and eTechnologies. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg.
Kerikmäe, T. (2014). Regulating eTechnologies in the European Union. Normative Realities and Trends. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
Vallor, Shannon (2016). Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting. Oxford University Press, 2016
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):