course aims in Estonian
Anda ülevaade küberturvalisuse õiguslikest alustest eri tasemetel ning laiem arusaam, kuidas hinnata küberturvalisuse korraldusliku poole reguleerimise põhimõtteid.
course aims in English
To get an overview about the legal basis of cyber security in different levels and acquire a broader perspective for the assessment role of regulatory frameworks in the process of cybersecurity management process.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Aine läbinud üliõpilane:
- kirjeldab küberturvalisuse arengut ja põhimõisteid;
- hindab õiguse rolli teiste küberturvalisuse korralduse meetmete kõrval;
- nimetab küberturvalisuse kohaldatavad õigusnormide tasemed ja allikad;
- analüüsib küberturvalisuse juhtumite õiguslikke aspekte EL ja rahvusvahelisel tasandil.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After completing this course the student:
- describes the evolution and basic concepts of cyber security;
- sssesses the role of law among other dimensions of cyber security management;
- lists the levels and sources of legal norms applicable to cyber security;
- analyses legal aspects of cyber security incidents at EU and international levels.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Kursus on mõeldud tudengitele, kellel puuduvad tehnoloogiaalased eelteadmised. Kursus annab üldteadmised küberturvalisuse olemusest ja uurib küberturvalisusega seotud õigusliku ja poliitilise ala ning olemasolevate vahendite erinevaid külgi. Kursus põineb peamiselt EL ja rahvusvahelisele küberturvalisuse regulatsioonidel ning käsitleb eelkõige kehtivat õigust, kuid samas käsitltakse kursusel ka teatud osas tehnoloogilisi, militaarseid, poliitilisi ja majanduslikke küsimusi. Käsitletavad teemad hõlmavad küberturvalisuse mõisteid, põhimõtteid, EL õigust küberturvalisuse kohta infoühiskonnas, küberkuritegusid, küberdiplomaatiat, rahvusvahelist õigust ja küberoperatsioone.
brief description of the course in English
This course is designed for students without technical background. Its purpose is to provide a general understanding of the nature of cyber security challenges and it will examine a wide spectrum of legal and policy areas and existing instruments relevant to the field. This course will mainly focus on EU and international regulation of cyber security and it will place the substantive legal framework into a comprehensive perspective, by elaborating on some technological, military, policy, economical aspects as well. Topics discussed cover concepts, definitions related to cybersecurity, EU regulatory framework related to cybersecurity in the information society, cybercrime, cyberdiplomacy, international law and cyber operations.
type of assessment in Estonian
Lõpphinne kujuneb eraldi osade koondina.
type of assessment in English
The final grade is formed as a set of separate parts.
independent study in Estonian
vastavalt laiendatud ainekavale
independent study in English
according to the extended syllabus
study literature
- International cyber norms: Legal, Policy & Industry Perspectives, Anna-Maria Osula and Henry Rõigas (eds.), CCDCOE, 2016 Tallinn;
- Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations, ed. M. Schmitt, Cambridge, 2017
- Towards Conceptualizing EU Cybersecurity Law (2019), ZEI Discussion Paper nr C253, Agnes Kasper, Alexander Antonov
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):