course aims in Estonian
Aine eesmärk on anda teadmised meditsiinivaldkonda puudutavatest seadustest. Kursus annab ülevaate meditsiinivaldkonna õiguse valdkonnast ja selle rakendamisega seonduvatest probleemidest.
course aims in English
The aim of this course is to provide knowledge of the basics of medical law. The course provides an in-depth overview of other areas of law and ethical issues related to medical law.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Aine läbinud üliõpilane:
- selgitab meditsiinivaldkonnaga seotud õiguse üldpõhimõtteid;
- kasutab meditsiinilist terminoloogiat;
- võrdleb tervishoiuteenuse osutamise lepingu põhimõtteid teiste lepingutega;
- analüüsib patsientide ja tervishoiutöötajate õigusi ning kohustusi tervishoiuteenuste osutamisel;
- hindab ravimite kättesaadavusega seotud probleeme patendikaitsega seotud aspektist lähtuvalt.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After completing this course the student:
- explains the general principles of medical law, including the content and basic principles of medical law;
- uses medical terminology;
- compares the principles of the health care service contract to other contracts;
- analyses the rights and responsibilities of patients and health professionals in the delivery of healthcare;
- evaluates the problems related to the access of the medicine focusing on the patient rights.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Patsiendi õigused
Ravikohustus versus õigus ravist keelduda
Konfidentsiaalsuse põhireeglid
Õigus tervishoiule, kohtupraktika
Intellektuaalomandi õigused ja ravimite kättesaadavus
Patentide roll patsientide õiguses tervishoiuteenustele
Haruldased haigused ja harva kasutatavad ravimid
brief description of the course in English
The patients’ rights
Obligation to treat v. the right to refuse from treatment
Basic rules for confidentiality
Right to healthcare, case-law
Intellectual property rights and access to medicines
The role of patents in patients’ right to healthcare
Rare diseases and orphan drugs
Personalized medicines and genetic testing
type of assessment in Estonian
Lõpphinne kujuneb eraldi osade koondina.
type of assessment in English
The final grade is formed as a set of separate parts.
independent study in Estonian
vastavalt laiendatud ainekavale
independent study in English
according to the extended syllabus
study literature
Law of Obligations Act (§§ 2-33, 76-115, 127-140, 758-773, 1043-1054)
Personal Data Protection Act
Copyright Act
Penal Code (§§ 113, 117, 118, 119)
Health Services Organisation Act
Procurement, Handling and Transplantation of Cells, Tissues and Organs Act
European Convention on Human Rights (Art. 2, 3, 5, 8)
European Social Charter (Art. 11, 13)
Annus, T., Nõmper, A. The Right to Health Protection in the Estonian Constitution. Juridica International, 2002, nr 7, lk 117-126
Sõritsa, D. The Health-care Provider’s Civil Liability in Cases of Wrongful Life: An Estonian Perspective. Juridica International, 2015, nr 23, lk 117-126
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):