course aims in Estonian
Kursus käsitleb intellektuaalomandi ja konkurentsiõiguse olulisemate teemade sügavat analüüsi. Üksikutest teemadest käsitletakse intellektuaalomandiõigust, ebaausat konkurentsi, EL õigust ja rahvusvahelist äriõigust. Kursusel käsitletakse vastavaid teemakohaseid kaasuseid.
course aims in English
This course is an advanced analysis of important aspects and case laws of intellectual property and competition law. Topics include intellectual property, unfair competition, EU law and International business law. Due emphasis will be laid on appropriate case laws.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Kursuse läbinud üliõpilane:
- selgitab intellektuaalomandi ja konkurentsiõiguse filosoofilisi, ajaloolisi ja õiguslikke aluseid;
- selgitab erinevaid intellektuaalomandi liike ja küsimusi, mis võivad tekkida intellektuaalomandi ja konkurentsiõiguse regulatsioonide kollisioonide korral;
- võrdleb ja eristab intellektuaalomandi ja konkurentsiõigusega seotud küsimuste ning probleemide lahendamiseks kohaldatavaid teooriaid.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After passing this course the student:
- explains the philosophical, historical and legal foundations of intellectual property law and competition law;
- explains the various types of intellectual property laws and the areas of conflict between intellectual property law and competition law;
- compares and contrasts the application of theories and concepts to intellectual property law and competition law related issues and problems.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Intellektuaalomandi ja konkurentsiõiguse tähtsamad aspektid ja kaasused. Intellektuaalomand, ebaaus konkurents, EL ja rahvusvhaleine äriõigus, EL toimise leping, Tehnosiirde Grupierandi määrus jt. Kaasused vastavate teemade kohta.
brief description of the course in English
This is an advanced level course which introduces students to the important aspects and case laws of intellectual property and competition law. Topics include intellectual property, unfair competition, EU law and International business law, Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation, etc. Due emphasis will be laid on appropriate case laws.
type of assessment in Estonian
Lõpphinne kujuneb eraldi osade koondina.
type of assessment in English
The final grade is formed as a set of separate parts.
independent study in Estonian
vastavalt laiendatud ainekavale
independent study in English
according to the extended syllabus
study literature
- Cornish, W., Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks & Allied Rights (2010), Sweet & Maxwell
- Kitchin, D., Llewelyn, D., Mellor, J., Kerly's Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names (2011), Sweet & Maxwell
- Miller, R., Burkill, G. and others, Terrell on the Law of Patents (2010), Sweet & Maxwell
- Garnett, K., Davies, G., and Harbottle, G., Copinger and Skone James on Copyright: Mainwork and Supplement (2010), Sweet & Maxwell
- Articles and material uploaded in Moodle.
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):