course aims in Estonian
Loengukursuse eesmärk on tudengitele anda detailsed teadmised keskkonda säästvate tehnoloogiate elutsükli modelleerimise ja optimeerimise kohta.
course aims in English
The goal of the course is to provide students with detailed information on the modelling and optimization of life cycle analysis (LCA) of greener technologies.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Peale kursuse läbimist peaksid õpilased oskama rohelist tehnoloogiat hinnata selle elutsüklit analüüsides, tagades nii tehnoloogia arendamise võimalikult keskkonda säästvaks.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After the successful completion of this course students are expected to learn that how they can use life cycle analysis to ensure that it is the best possible solution for the environment through the development and best practices of greener technologies.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Rafineerimistehastes biomassist toodangu/energia saamisel on vajalik tehnoloogia hindamine elutsükli analüüsi meetodil, mille abil saab hinnata keskkonnale avaldatavat mõju. Samuti võimaldab see kõiki protsesse detailsemalt vaadelda, maandades selle abil võimalikke riske. Kursuse raames vaadeldakse biokütuste ja teiste biotoodete tootmiseks kasutatavate tehnoloogiate elutsükli analüüsi. Õpitakse keskkonnamõjusid hindama; protsesside modelleerimist; praegu Euroopa Liidus kehtivaid biotoodetega ja jäätmemajandusega seotud regulatsioone ning elutsükli hindamiseks kasutatavat tarkvara.
brief description of the course in English
The environmental impact of biorefinery processes must be assessed through life cycle assessment model to evaluate the environmental significance of green technologies. Biomass to bioenergy programs needs to be subjected to detailed life cycle analysis (LCA), where all the considerations are evaluated. LCA can also help de-risk biomass to bioenergy possesses. In this course, we provide topics on life cycle assessment of biofuels, bioproduct and biochemical production technologies; environmental impact analysis; process modelling and integration analysis, current R&D policies and regulations in biorefineries and future prospects; overview about waste management directives in EU and waste acts in EU; and product and material lifecycle assessment software
type of assessment in Estonian
type of assessment in English
independent study in Estonian
independent study in English
study literature
1. J.H. Clark, R. Luque, A.S. Matharu (2012)Green Chemistry, Biofuels and Biorefinery Annual Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng. 2012, 3, 183-208
2. R. Luque, J. Campelo, J.H. Clark, (2010) Handbook of biofuels production: processes and Technologies, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
3. Anoop Singh, Deepak Pant and Stig Irving Olsen (2013) Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources, Green Energy and Technology, Springer-Verlag London, ISBN 978-1-4471-5363-4
4. 3.European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment,
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):