course aims in Estonian
Loengukursuse eesmärk on anda ülevaade rohelise keemia tehnoloogiate kohta, mida kasutatakse rafineerimistehastes biomassist biotoodete saamiseks. Õppeaine käsitleb erinevaid tehnoloogiaid erineva koostisega tooraine ja biojäätmete töötlemiseks biomaterjalide, -kemikaalide ja -kütuste saamisel, vaadeldes nende eeliseid ja kitsaskohti, kaasaarvatud kuluefektiivsus.
course aims in English
The course will provide an overview to the students on green chemistry strategies for biomass to bioproducts developments as biorefinery applications. We aim to provide highlights on all relevant biorefinery based production technologies for the bioprocessing of feedstocks and biowaste into valuable products such as biomaterials, bio-chemicals and biofuels, describing the merits and shortcomings of each, including cost-efficiency.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Peale kursuse läbimist saavad õpilased aru erinevatest biokonversiooni protsessidest ja tehnoloogiatest, mida kasutatakse biotootmises, nende hulgas toorainete ja biojäätmete keemilise koostise analüüs; saavad selgeks olulisemad biokeemilised näitajad/terminid, mida rafineerimistehaste protsessides kasutatakse.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
At the end of the course students will be able to understand the process of various bioconversion technologies for biomass to bioprduct development including chemical analytics studies of a range of feedstocks and bio wastes. The student will also learn about the biochemical characteristics involved in biorefinery applications.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Loengutes antakse ülevaade biotehnoloogilistest protsessidest, mis loob eelduse bioreaktorite disainimiseks ja nende töö analüüsimiseks. Rühmatööna lahendatakse tõsielus ettetulevaid probleeme ja selle käigus paranevad ka meeskonnatööks vajalikud oskused. Lisaks baasteadmistele leiavad käsitlemist ka viimased rafineerimistehastes kasutusele võetud keskkonda säästvad uuendused, mis tuginevad rohelise keemia põhimõtetele. Sealhulgas kaetakse ensüümide arendamine nn „rakuvabrikutes“ (cell factory), heterogeensete katalüütiliste reaktorite süsteemid, biomassi ensümaatiline, keemiline ja termiline töötlemine, kineetika, operatsioonide ja protsesside innovatiivne disain
Praktilised tööd
1. Erinevate biomasside eeltöötlemine
2. Bioreaktori disain/tööle panemine
3. Biomassi keemiline ja ensümaatiline töötlemine, biokonversioon
brief description of the course in English
Lessons will take place through lectures aimed to provide the basis for the analysis and design of bioreactors and more in general of biotechnological processes and through group exercises focused on developing the ability to work in teams and deal with the resolution of real problems. The course will provide the fundamental basis and recent developments on biomass to bioproducts biorefineries based on green chemical strategies. Course content includes topics on- enzyme development from microbial cell factories; heterogeneous catalytic reactors system; enzymatic bioconversion of biomass; kinetics, operations and innovative process design; and thermal, chemical, biochemical recycling technologies for processing of biomass, process mapping for renewables to bio-chemicals and biopolymers
type of assessment in Estonian
type of assessment in English
independent study in Estonian
independent study in English
study literature
1. C.S.K. Lin, L. Pfaltzgraff, L. Herrero-Davila, E.B. Mubofu, S. Abderrahim, J.H. Clark, A. Koutinas, N. Kopsahelis, K. Stamatelou, F. Dickson, S. Thankappan, Z. Mohamed, R. Brocklesby, R. Luque, (2013) Food waste as a valuable resource for the production of chemicals, materials and fuels. Current situation and global perspective .Energy Environ. Sci, 6, 426-464
2. J.H. Clark, R. Luque, A.S. Matharu (2012)Green Chemistry, Biofuels and Biorefinery Annual Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng. 2012, 3, 183-208
3. R. Luque, J. Campelo, J.H. Clark, (2010) Handbook of biofuels production: processes and Technologies, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
4. V.K. Gupta and M. Tuohy (2013). Biofuel Technologies – Recent Developments. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA; ISBN 978-3-642-34518-0
5. V.K. Gupta and M. Tuohy (2013). Book Series: Biofuel and Biorefinery. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA;
6. V.K. Gupta, M. Tuohy, C. P. Kubieck, J.N. Saddler and Feng Xu (2014). Bioenergy Research: Applications & Advances. Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands. ISBN: 9780444595614,
7. Vijai K. Gupta, Christian P. Kubicek, Jean-Guy Berrin, David W. Wilson, Marie Couturier, Alex Berlin, Edivaldo X.F. Filho, and Thaddeus Ezeji (2016). Fungal Enzymes for Bio-products.
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):
lecturer in charge
Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, kaasprofessor tenuuris (LK - keemia ja biotehnoloogia instituut)