course aims in Estonian
Loengukursuse eesmärk on anda teadmisi keskkonda säästvate tehnoloogiate mõõdikute kohta, mida kasutatakse biomassi koostise analüüsimiseks ja ümbertöötlemiseks. Õppeaine raames vaadeldakse erineva koostisega biomassi/tooraine töötlemiseks kasutatavaid tüüpilisi eeltöötluse meetodeid ja nende kineetikat.
course aims in English
The aim of the course is to provide to the students the knowledge of the green technology metrics of biomass compositional analysis and biomass processing technologies for bioprduct development. The course is developed through the typical approaches and principles of the kinetics of pretreatrment technologies for various biomass/feedstocks.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Tudeng oskab kriitiliselt hinnata erinevaid biomassi/tooraine koostise analüüsi - ja ümbertöötlemise tehnoloogiaid.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
The student can critically evaluate the technologies of biomass processing and feedstock compositional analysis.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Kursuse raames antakse ülevaade rohelise keemia üldistest põhimõtetest, käsitletakse jätkusuutlikku tootmist ja keskkonda säästvaid tehnoloogiaid. Selgitatakse tarneahela tehnoökonoomilise analüüsi abil, kuidas vähendada tooraine töötlemiseks ja biotoote saamiseks tehtavaid kulutusi. Konkreetsemalt vaadeldakse bioetanooli, -butanooli ja-gaasi tootmist, samuti piimhappe, lenduvate rasvhapete ja suktsinaadi ning PHA ja PHB tootmist. Praktikumid
1. Arvutuslikud meetodid rohelise keemia meetrika määramiseks.
2. Laborikatsed rohelise keemia meetrika määramiseks, kaasaarvatud biodegradatsioon.
3. Laborikatsed toorainete koostise analüüsimiseks.
4. Toormaterjalide töötlemine biotoodete valmistamise jaoks.
brief description of the course in English
This course on green chemistry metrics for feedstocks to biochemical development examines the potential for blends to reduce feedstock production costs using low cost formulation models and feedstock supply chain technoeconomic analysis. Topics in this course will include core areas like pretreatment technologies and compositional analysis of a wide range of feedstocks for bioproduct development including bioethanol, biobutanol, volatile fatty acid production, lactic acid production, PHA, PHB production, biogas production, and succinic acid production etc. A general background to the principles of green chemistry, green engineering and sustainable manufacturing is also a component.
Lab Works,
1. Practicals on computational methods to determine green chemistry metrics
2. Laboratory experiments to determine green chemistry metrics, including biodegradation
3. Laboratory experiments for compositional analysis of the feedstocks.
4. Experiments on bioprocessing of feedstocks to relevant bioproduct formation.
type of assessment in Estonian
type of assessment in English
independent study in Estonian
independent study in English
study literature
1. R. Luque (2012)Green Chemistry, NovaScience Publishers, New York.
2. J.H. Clark, R. Luque, A.S. Matharu (2012)Green Chemistry, Biofuels and Biorefinery Annual Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng. 2012, 3, 183-208
3. R. Luque, J. Campelo, J.H. Clark, (2010) Handbook of biofuels production: processes and Technologies, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
4. V.K. Gupta and M. Tuohy (2013). Biofuel Technologies – Recent Developments. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA; ISBN 978-3-642-34518-0
5. Ashok Pandey Christian Larroche Steven Ricke Claude-Gilles Dussap (2011). Biofuels: Alternative Feedstocks and Conversion Processes, ISBN: 9780123851000
6. Haibo Xie and Nicholas Gathergood (2013) The Role of Green Chemistry in Biomass Processing and Conversion, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey ISBN 978-0-470-64410-2
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):