course aims in Estonian
Anda ülevaade biopolümeeridest, nende keemilisest ehitusest, omadustest ja funktsioonidest.
Tutvustada biopolümeeride ja looduslikul toorainel põhinevate polümeeride põhilisi kasutusvaldkondi ja kõikvõimalikke erinevaid rakendusi nende keemilise olemuse kontekstis.
course aims in English
To give an overview of biopolymers, their chemical structures, properties and functions. To discuss the main applications of biopolymers and bio-based materials, including their chemistry and their highly diverged applications.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Kursuse läbinult tunnevad üliõpilased biopolümeeride põhilisi tüüpe, nende päritolu ja funktsioone, struktuuri ja omaduste vahelisi seoseid ja omavad ettekujutust nende tööstuslikest rakendustest.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
The students will know the main biopolymer types, their origin and functions.
They will have an idea of the relationships of chemical structure and properties of biopolymers and an image of their industrial applications.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Biopolümeerid on elusorganismide poolt toodetavad polümeerid. Kolm peamist biopolümeeride klassi, mis moodustuvad erinevatest monomeersetest ühikutest ja erinevad moodustuva polümeeri struktuuri poolest, on: polünukleotiidid, mis koosnevad nukleotiidsetest monomeeridest, polüpeptiidid ja valgud, mis on aminohapete polümeerid, ja polüsahhariidid, mis on polümeerse süsivesiku struktuuriga. Lisaks põhinevad osad sünteetilised polümeerid taastuvale toorainele. Kursuse käigus tutvustatakse kõiki neid materjale praktilise materjaliteaduse seisukohast. Vaadeldakse põhilisi tööstuslikke innovaatilisi rakendusi tarbe- ja tehnoplastide valdkonnas.
brief description of the course in English
Biopolymers are polymers produced by living organisms. There are three main classes of biopolymers based on the differing monomeric units used and the structure of the biopolymer formed: polynucleotides, which are composed of nucleotide monomers; polypeptides and proteins, which are polymers of amino acids; and polysaccharides, which are polymeric carbohydrate structures. In addition there are bio-based polymeric materials which are man-made polymers basing to renewable feedstocks. The course introduces all these materials from the view point of practical material science. The main industrial applications and some new innovations in the field of commodity and engineering plastics will be reviewed.
type of assessment in Estonian
30% ettekanne, 20% kontrolltööd, 50% eksam
type of assessment in English
30% presentation, 20% tests, 50% final test
independent study in Estonian
Ettekanneteks valmistumine
independent study in English
Preparing for presentations
study literature
Loengukonspekt / Lecture material
Book: Biopolymers: New Materials for Sustainable Films and Coatings
David Plackett (Editor)
ISBN: 978-0-470-68341-5
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):