course aims in Estonian
Magistrieksami eesmärk on:
- korrastada õpingute jooksul omandatud põhiteadmisi ja- oskusi digimuutuste juhtimisest avalikus sektoris;
- õppida seostama omandatud teadmisi üliõpilase igapäevatöös ja integreerida need terviklikuks arusaamaks digimuutuste elluviimiseks avalikus sektoris.
Eksam on kaheosaline. Esimene pool seostab õpingute käigus omandatud sõlmküsimused tudengi tegevusalaga ja teine pool on kirjalik eksamitöö õppekavas omandatust.
course aims in English
The aim of Master's Exam is to:
- organize what the student has acquired during the studies basic knowledge and skills of managing digital changes in the public sector;
- learn to relate the acquired knowledge by the student in everyday work and integrate them into a comprehensive understanding of digital changes for implementation in the public sector.
The exam consists of two parts. The first part is related to the course of studies mastered key questions related to the student's field of activity, and the second part is a written exam acquired in the curriculum.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Magistrieksami sooritanud üliõpilane:
- on omandanud digimuutuste elluviimiseks avalikus sektoris vajalikud põhiteadmised ja -oskused;
- analüüsib ja lahendab oma digitaalsete teenuste arendamisega seotud problemaatikat;
- suudab juhtida tehnoloogiate rakendamisest tulenevaid arendusülesandeid.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After completing the Mastre's Exam, the student:
- has acquired the basic knowledge and skills necessary to implement digital changes in the public sector;
- analyzes and solves problems related to the development of their digital services;
- is able to manage development tasks arising from the application of technologies.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Magistrieksam aitab hinnata üliõpilase iseseisva probleemilahenduse väljatöötamise kogemuse kinnistumist ja teadmisi digiriigi komponentidest läbi erinevate kaasuste.
Lisaks aitab see arendada kriitilist mõtlemist ja infotöötlusoskust vajalike teadmiste näol, lahendades püstitatud ülesandeid.
Eksam on kaheosaline. Esimene pool on suunatud õpingute käigus omandatud teadmiste seostamiseks tudengi tegevusalaga läbi praktilise kaasuse ja teine pool on kirjalik eksamitöö õppekavas omandatud teadmiste osas.
brief description of the course in English
The course helps to assess students' consolidation of experience in developing independent problem solutions and knowledge of the components of digital engineering through various cases. In addition, it helps to develop critical thinking and information processing skills in the form of necessary knowledge by solving set tasks.
The exam is in two parts. The first part is aimed at the course of studies to relate the acquired knowledge to the student's field of activity through a practical case, and the second part is a written exam in terms of knowledge acquired in the curriculum.
type of assessment in Estonian
Magistrieksam koosneb kahest osast järgnevate kaaludega:
1. kirjalik parktiline töö (kaasus) – 65% hindest
2. eksam – 35% hindest
type of assessment in English
The master's exam consists of two parts with the following weights:
1. written practical work (participation) - 65% of the grade
2. exam - 35% of the grade
independent study in Estonian
independent study in English
study literature
Magistrieksami õppekirjandus on magistrikava kõikide läbitud ainete materjalid.
Study literature consists of the course materials of all the master’s programme courses.
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):
lecturer in charge
Ingrid Pappel, kaasprofessor (IT - tarkvarateaduse instituut)