course aims in Estonian
Anda üldised teadmised infojuhtimise, töötlemise ja kasutamise valdkonnast. Esmased oskused informatsiooni töötlemise analüüsist, modelleerimisest ning seostamisest asutuse põhiprotsessidega. Digitaalse säilitamise aluspõhimõtete omandamine. Baasoskuste omandamine digitaalse ainese arhiveerimise ettevalmistamiseks.
course aims in English
To obtain general knowledge about information management, processing and use in different fields. Acquire basic skills for information processing, modelling and association with organisational management chain. Learning the fundamentals of digital preservation and the actions necessary to prepare digital material for preservation.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Kursuse läbides üliõpilane
- mõistab infohalduse ja digitaalse säilitamise teooria ja praktika põhilisi aspekte
- on võimeline nimetama hea infohaldussüsteemi karakteristikuid (hõlmates kogu elutsüklit alates dokumendi loomisest kuni säilitamise/hävitamiseni arvestades organisatsiooni vajadusi)
- oskab planeerida ja juurutada efektiivset ja jätkusuutlikku paberivaba asjaajamist.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
By the end of the course the student:
- Understands the most important aspects of theory and practice in information management and digital preservation;
- Is able to name the characteristics of a good information management system (covering the whole life cycle of information from creation/acquisition to preservation/disposal and considering organisational needs);
- Knows how to plan the implementation of an efficient and sustainable paperless office.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Organisatsiooni ja sellega seotud informatsiooni määratlemine (infohaldus ja selle roll ettevõttes, infotöö ja andmehaldus, organisatsiooni ja infohalduse arhitektuur ning raamistikud); digitaalse arhiveerimise ja säilitamise põhiprobleemid; digitaalse säilitamise meetodite areng ja võimalused, digitaalsete objektide olulised omadused ja kasutatavad failivormingud digitaalseks säilitamiseks (andmekandjad ja nõuded, erinevad digitaalobjekti tüübid ja nende omadused); metaandmete olulisus ja kasutamine digitaalseks säilitamiseks; digiarhiivi haldamine - OAIS mudel (riskid ja usaldus digiarhiivis); digiarhiivi kasutamine ja rakendamine; andmebaaside arhiveerimine
brief description of the course in English
Defining organisational information (information management and its role in it, working with information and data management, organisation and information management architectures and frameworks); basic rules of digital archiving and preservation (the digital preservation methods) the development and the opportunities of digital objects’ essential features and used file formats for digital preservation (media and requirements for different types of digital objects and their properties), the significance of the use of metadata for digital preservation, digital archives - OAIS model (risks and trust of the digital archive), the use and implementations of digital archives; archiving of databases
type of assessment in Estonian
MOOC kursus Eliademy's + essee + osalemine külalisloengutes
type of assessment in English
MOOC course in Eliademy + essay + participation in guest lectures
independent study in Estonian
Essee, mis esitatakse elektrooniliselt ning presenteeritakse kursuse lõpus:
- 2000-2500 sõna
- õppejõudude poolt väljapakutud teemadel
- võimaldab üliõpilasel demonstreerida kriitilise mõtlemise oskust ja kontseptuaalseid analüüsioskusi, argumenteerimist ja allikate kasutamist,
independent study in English
Home assignment (essay):
- Critical analysis, essay (coursework) of 2000-2500 words that will be presented electronically and presented by the end of the course. Compulsory.
- Topic suggestions available from lecturers
- The goal of the assignment is to allow students to demonstrate their critical thinking and conceptual analysis skills, cohesion of argument, use of sources and evidence, and the breadth and relevance of reading.
study literature
Course web page:
Choo, C. W., Bontis, N. (ed). 2002 The strategic management of intellectual capital and organizational knowledge. Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press;
Corall, S. 2000 Strategic Management of Information Services: a Planning Handbook. London: Aslib;
Appelgate,L. M., Austin, R. D., McFarland, F. W. 2007 Corporate information strategy and management. Boston: McGraw-Hill. - Leidub: TTÜ.
Neil Beagrie, Maggie Jones, “Preservation Management of Digital Materials: A Handbook” (DPC, 2001)
Cornell University Library, ICPSR, “Digital Preservation Management: Implementing Short-term Strategies for Long-term Problems”
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):