course aims in Estonian
Kursuse eesmärk on luua tingimused omandamaks teadmisi Ettevõtte Arhitektuuri (EA) loomise ja haldamise kohta ning tutvustada peamiseid ISO standardeid, mida kasutatakse EA haldamisel.
course aims in English
The aim of this course is to enable the students to acquire knowledge about the creation and management of Enterprise Architecture (EA), and give a brief overview of the main ISO standards that will be useful in the management of EA would be given.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Kursuse läbinud üliõpilane:
- hindab ja analüüsib ettevõtte arhitektuuri;
- modelleerib erinevaid EA komponente;
- kaardistab protsesse modelleerimistarkvara ARIS abil;
- mõistab ja hindab protsessijuhtimise põhimõtteid.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After completing this course, the student:
- evaluates and analyzes the EA of the company;
- models different EA components;
- maps processes using modelling software ARIS (Software AG);
- understands and evaluates the principles of process management.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Kursus analüüsib EA komponente, nende omavahelisi seoseid ja annab võimaluse läbi praktiliste näidete kursusel osalejal hakata mõistma erinevate arhitektuurikomponentide olulisust ettevõtte toimimisel. Põgusalt tutvustatakse erinevaid arhitektuurijuhtimise metoodikaid ja levinumaid ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 standardeid, millega ettevõtted sagemini kokku puutuvad. Kursuse käigus tehakse rühmatöid, mis aitavad EA olemust paremini mõista.
EA hõlmab endas organisatsiooni, protsessi, välis- ja töökeskkonnaga, infotehnoloogiaga, riskidega, dokumendihaldusega, eesmärgistamisega, EA juhtimisega jms seotud eri aspekte.
brief description of the course in English
The course analyses the components of EA, their interrelationships and provides an opportunity, through practical examples, for the participant of the course to begin to understand the importance of different architectural components in the functioning of the company. Different architectural management methodologies and the most common ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 standards are briefly introduced, which companies encounter more frequently. During the course, group work is carried out that will help to better understand the essence of EA.
EA covers various aspects related to organisation, process, external and working environment, information technology, risks, document management, purposefulness, management of EA, etc.
type of assessment in Estonian
Eksam (hindest 60%).
Iseseisev töö (projekt) – infosüsteemi strateegiline analüüs; eksamieeldus (hindest 40%)
type of assessment in English
Exam (60%), Technical report (40%)
60% of themark will be the exam. Examination. 10 questions covering all the study results in the course. Assessment criteria for the exam according to the following scale: A – 91 and more points; B – 81 – 90 points; C – 71 – 80 points; D – 61 – 70 points; E – 51 – 60 points; F – less than 51 points.
Furthermore, 40% of the mark are available for good work on the technical report that must be submitted. The technical report document explains the results of a miniproject thet students must work on in groups.
independent study in Estonian
independent study in English
study literature
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):