course aims in Estonian
Anda ülevaade õigusalase töö kirjutamise vormidest ja meetoditest. Arutleda ja analüüsida õigusteadusliku töö erinevust teistest sotsiaalteaduslikest töödest. Olla valmis magistritöö kirjutamiseks kasutades aines omandatud tehnikaid.
course aims in English
Provide an understanding of the forms and methods of research. To discuss and analyse the specifics of legal research and differences from other type of research in the social sciences. Be prepared to write master thesis on the bases of learned techniques.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Kursuse läbides on üliõpilane:
On tudeng võimeline kirjutama juhendaja kaasabil magistritööd, kasutades oskuslikult uurimismetoodikaid. On võimeline aru saama akadeemilisest eetikast ja on teadlik erinevatest intellektuaalomandi kasutamise traditsioonidest ja teaduslikust uurimistööst.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
By the end of the course the student:
Student is able to write his/her master thesis with the help of the supervisor by using the relevant research methods. Able to understand the academic ethics and know the different traditions and context of intellectual and scientific legal research.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Õppeaines käsitletakse järgevaid teemasid: teadusuuringute liigid, eesmärgid, motivatsioon ja meetodid, info ja uurimismaterjali kogumine, hüpotees ja uurimisküsimused õigusliku uurimistöö eesmärgid ja mõte, uurimistöö ülesehitus, disain, hüpotees ja uurimisküsimus, uurimisraport, viitamistehnikad ja plagiaat, interdistsiplinaarne uurimistöö.
brief description of the course in English
Types of research, objectives, motivation, methods, scope and relevance of legal research, law systems, purpose of legal research, sources of information, stages of research, interdisciplinary research, research design, hypothesis, research question, referencing and plagiarism, ethics, data collection and analysis.
type of assessment in Estonian
eristav hindamine
type of assessment in English
graded assessment
independent study in Estonian
Õppeaine käigus antakse üliõpilastele jooksvalt iseseisvaid töid nii kodus kui ka klassiruumis lahendamiseks, mille eesmärgiks on aidata kaasa aine omandamisele ning hinnata omandatud oskusi.
independent study in English
During the course students shall be given several individual assignments in the class and also take home exercises. The aim is to increase the knowledge of the topics of the course and to assess the acquired skills.
study literature
- van Boom, W.H., Desmet, P. and Mascini, P., 2018. 1. Empirical legal research: charting the terrain. Empirical Legal Research in Action: Reflections on Methods and their Applications, p.1.
- Onwuegbuzie, A.J. and Hitchcock, J.H., 2015. Advanced mixed analysis approaches. In The Oxford handbook of multimethod and mixed methods research inquiry.
- Lune, H. and Berg, B.L., 2016. Qualitative research methods for the social sciences. Pearson Higher Ed.
- McConville, M. ed., 2017. Research methods for law. Edinburgh University Press.
- Morse, J.M., 2016. Mixed method design: Principles and procedures. Routledge.
- Putman, W.H., 2012. Legal research. Cengage Learning.
- Van Hoecke, M., 2015. Methodology of comparative legal research. Law and Method, pp.1-35.
- Wren, C.G. and Wren, J.R., 1986. The legal research manual: A game plan for legal research and analysis. Adams & Ambrose Pub.
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):