course aims in Estonian
Aine eesmärk on anda ülevaade Euroopa Liidu justiits- ja siseküsimuste poliitilistest ning õiguslikest arengutest.
course aims in English
The aim of this course is to give and overview of the developments of the politics and legislation of the Juctice and Home Affairs of the European Union.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Õppeaine läbinud üliõpilane:
- oskab anda ülevaadet Euroopa Liidu justiits- ja siseküsimuste poliitikast ja arengutest;
- omab teadmisi peamistest valdkonda puudutavatest õigusaktidest ja poliitilistest otsustest;
- analüüsib arenguid ja oskab teha uusi lahendusettepanekuid;
- oskab ette valmistada ja esitleda ettekandeid etteantud teemadel ning analüüsida kaasusi.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
After completing this course, the student:
- is able to give an overview of the developments of the politics and legislation of the EU Justice and Home Affairs;
- knows the main legal acts and political decisions;
- analyses developments and makes suggestions;
- is able to prepare and deliver presentation on a pre-agreed relevant topic in the field of EU Justice and Home Affairs and analyze cases.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Kursuse raames käsitletakse Euroopa Liidu sisserände ja varjupaigapoliitikat ning õigust, Schengeni viisapoliitikat ning õigus- ja piirikontrolli süsteemi, õigusalast koostööd kriminaalasjades, õigusalast koostööd tsiviilasjades ja politseikoostööd.
brief description of the course in English
The course covers the current issues in EU immigration and asylum policy and law, Schengen visa system and border control, judicial cooperation in criminal matters, judicial co-operation in civil matters and police cooperation.
type of assessment in Estonian
Kirjalik referaat õppejõuga kokkulepitud teemal, loengus osalemine ning kirjalik eksam.
Loengus osalemisel hinnatakse tudengi võimekust etteantud teemadel arutleda.
Kirjalik eksam hindab tudengi omandatud teadmisi Euroopa Liidu justiits ja siseküsimustes.
type of assessment in English
Writing a take-home exercise, participation and written exam
Ability to discuss on the pre agreed topic is evaluated via the participation in the class discussions.
The purpose of the written examination is to assess whether the students know the important topics and issues in the field of EU home and justice affairs discussed in the class.
independent study in Estonian
Õppeaine käigus antakse üliõpilastele jooksvalt iseseisvaid töid nii kodus kui ka klassiruumis lahendamiseks, mille eesmärgiks on aidata kaasa aine omandamisele ning hinnata omandatud oskusi.
independent study in English
During the course students shall be given several individual assignments in the class and also take home exercises. The aim is to increase the knowledge of the topics of the course and to assess the acquired skills.
study literature
Steve Peers, „EU Justice and Home Affairs Law: Volume I: EU Immigration and Asylum Law“, 2016
Steve Peers, „EU Justice and Home Affairs Law: EU Justice and Home Affairs Law: Volume II: EU Criminal Law, Policing, and Civil Law“, 2016
Paul Craig, Grainne De Burca, „EU Law : Text, Cases, and Materials“, 2020
Paul Craig, Grainne De Burca „The Evolution of EU Law“, 2011
Treaty of the European Union;
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;
Additional recommended course readings
Birkinshaw P., Varney M., (2010) The European Union Legal Order after Lisbon, Kluwer Law International;
Düvell, F. (2006). Illegal immigration in Europe : beyond control? Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, Palgrave Macmillan;
Guild, E. (2009). Security and migration in the 21st century. Cambridge ; Malden, MA, Polity;
Guild, E. and J. van Selm (2005). International migration and security: opportunities and challenges. London, Routledge.
Graig P., (2010) The Lisbon Treaty. Law, Politics and the Treaty Reform, Oxford University Press;
Peers, S. and N. Rogers (2006). EU Immigration and Asylum Law: Text and Commentary. Leiden, Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers;
Roots, L. (2009) The impact of Lisbon Treaty on the development of EU immigration legislation, CYLEP vol 5, pages 261-281.
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):