course aims in Estonian
Saada ülevaade küberjulgeoleku õiguslikest alustest erinevatel tasemetel ja omandada laiem perspektiiv õiguse rolli hindamiseks küberintsidentide juhtimise protsessis.
course aims in English
To get an overview about the legal basis of cyber security in different levels and acquire a broader perspective for the assessment the role of regulatory frameworks in the process of cyber incident management process.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
- selgitab küberjulgeoleku arengut ja põhimõisteid
- hindab õiguse rolli küberintsidentide juhtimise teiste dimensioonide seas;
- selgitab küberjulgeoleku õiguse tasemeid ja allikaid;
- võrdleb küberintsidentide juhtimise erinevaid tasemeid;
- analüüsib küberintsidentidele õiguslikud aspektid rahvusvahelises kontekstis.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
The student:
- describes the evolution and basic concepts of cyber security;
- assesses the role of law among other dimensions of cyber incident management;
- lists the levels and sources of legal norms applicable to cyber security;
- compares the different levels of cyber security management;
- analyses legal aspects of cyber security incidents internationally.
brief description of the course in Estonian
See kursus on suunatud tehnilise taustata tudengitele. Selle kursuse eesmärk on pakkuda ülevaadet küberjulgeoleku õiguslike probleemide olemusest ja erinevatest asjakohastest õigusaladest ja olemasolevatest õigusinstrumentidest. See kursus käsitleb küber-julgeoleku rahvusvahelist regulatsiooni ja asetab materiaalõiguse mitmepoolsesse raamistikku tutvustades ka tehnoloogilisi, kaitsealaseid, poliitilisi, majanduslikke aspekte.
brief description of the course in English
This course is designed for students without technical background. It's purpose is to provide a general understanding of the nature of cyber security challenges and it will examine a wide spectrum of legal areas and existing instruments relevant to the field. This course will mainly focus on international regulation of cyber security and it will place the substantive legal framework into a comprehensive perspective, by elaborating on some technological, military, policy, economical aspects as well.
type of assessment in Estonian
Hindamine koosneb kahest põhilisest osast - aktiivne osalemine ja kursusetöö.
Aktiivne osalemine sisaldab kohalolekut, uudiste arutelu ja ettekannet. Aktiivne osalemine peaks parandama võimet mõista, arutleda küberjulgeoleku teemasid ja samuti anda õiguslik hinnang antud kontekstis, ning julgustada koostööd.
Kursusetöö. Kursusetöö peaks parandama tudengi võimet läbi viia akadeemilist uuringut küberjulgeoleku teemal.
type of assessment in English
The evaluation consists of two main group of activities - active participation and course paper.
Active participation includes attendance, media reports and assigned presentation. Active participation should improve ability to understand, discuss cyber security-related topics, as well as to provide legal assessment in such context. Cooperation between students is also encouraged.
Course paper. The paper should improve the student’s ability to conduct academic research related to cyber security.
independent study in Estonian
Õppeaine käigus antakse üliõpilastele jooksvalt iseseisvaid töid, mille eesmärgiks on aidata kaasa aine omandamisele.
independent study in English
During the course students shall be given several individual assignments aimed at helping to learn the topics of the course.
study literature
There is no single textbook for this course. Materials are distributed online (in Moodle) and in lectures.
Reading and authoritative texts:
- Comprehensive Legal Approach to Cyber Security (2011) by Eneken Tikk, PhD thesis, Tartu available at
- Information Technology Law, 7th Edition, Ian J. Lloyd, Oxford
- Strategic Cyber Security (2011) by Kenneth Geers, PhD thesis, TUT available at
- Tallinn Manual available at
- Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, CETS No. 185 available at
- Digital Agenda
- Lots of other material available at
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):