course aims in Estonian
Hoonete ja linnakvartalite arendusettepanekute ruumiline analüüs koos keskkonnategurite arvestamisega on tänapäeval üha olulisem osa arhitektuurse ja linnaehitusliku projekteerimise protsessist. Digitaalsed projekteerimistööriistad võimaldavad juba projekteerimise algstaadiumis kasutada ja analüüsida keskkonna mõju tehisruumile, andes arhitektidele võimaluse luua efektiivsemaid lahendusi, mis arvestavad teadlikult keskkonna mõju.
Õppeaine eesmärgid on:
- Suurendada tudengite teadlikkust keskkonnamõju olulisusest ja oskust kasutada neid teadmisi projekteerimis- ja planeerimisprotsessis.
- Suunata tudengeid kasutama ehitiste ruumilist analüüsi juba projekteerimise algstaadiumis.
- Õpetada tudengitele digitaalsete meetodite ja tehnikate võimalusi, mida saab kasutada alates üksikhoonete kavandamisest kuni linnaplaneerimiseni.
course aims in English
The performance analysis of buildings and urban areas in relation to environmental factors is more and more an integral part of the architectural design and planning process nowadays. The use of digital and computational design tools permits to integrate easily environmental and performance analysis from the very early stages of design, giving to architects and designers the opportunity to realize more performative and efficient buildings strongly integrated in the environment.
The study objectives are:
- To increase the students awarenss of the importance of the integration of environmental factors into architectural design and planning.
- To make the students able to integrate building performance analysis from the very early stages of design to drive project decisions and realize more performative design objects and urban areas.
- Teach to the students the potentialities of digital and computational methodologies and techniques to be applied for different design tasks from the building massing, distribution and envelope to urban layouts and blocks patterns.
learning outcomes in the course in Est.
Kursuse läbinud tudengid on omandanud projekteerimisalaseid teadmisi päikeseenergia ja loomuliku valgusega seotud aspektides. Tudengid on omandanud oskuse kasutada keskkonna analüüsi ja tehiskeskkonna ruumilise lahenduse meetodeid arhitektuurses projekteerimises ja planeerimises töö koostamise algstaadiumist alates.
Eeldatavad tulemused:
- Tudengid oskavad kasutada parameetrilise planeerimise tarkvara, kasutades algoritmilisi mudeleid, mis seovad omavahel arhitektuursete projektide ja planeeringute erinevaid elemente.
- On saanud teadmised ja oskused, kuidas siduda päikeseenergia, energia analüüsi ja loomuliku valguse simulatsioone projekteerimisega juba selle algstaadiumis.
- Tudengid omavad teadmisi ruumilise analüüsi ja keskkonna simulatsioonide kohta.
learning outcomes in the course in Eng.
The students attending the course will broaden their design and building performance knowledge related to solar design, daylighting and energy design. At the same time will learn how to integrate environmental analysis and building performance design tools and methodologies into architectural design and planning from the very early stages of the design process.
The expected outcome are:
- Using parametric design software the students will learn how to realize algorithmic models that integrate different aspects and create interaction between different elements of the architectural and planning projects.
- The course will develop the student’s awareness and skills about integrating solar design, energy analysis and daylight simulations into building design and planning from the early stages of design.
- The students will get the important knowledge of building performance analysis and environmental simulations increasingly requested to the professional architect newly graduated.
brief description of the course in Estonian
Kursus on jagatud kolmeks osaks: teooria, tarkvara ja praktiline töö.
- Teooria osa esitatakse loengute vormis.
- Tarkvarale pühendatud tundides õpivad tudengid parameetrilist projekteerimist, visuaalprogrammeerimist, keskkonnasimulatsioone ja ruumilist analüüsi ning nende kasutamist arhitektuursete ja planeerimisprojektide koostamisel.
- Praktilise töö osas valib tudeng ühe teema õppejõu poolt pakutud piirkonnas Tallinnas, kus ta kasutab õpitud tehnikaid ja meetodeid.
brief description of the course in English
The course is divided in three parts: theory, software and design studio.
- In the theory part there will be four lectures, one each four weeks, about the development in history of architecture of the idea of performance and how it is used nowadays by prominent architects in their projects.
- In the hands-on software lectures the students will learn parametric design, visual programming, environmental simulations and building performance analysis and how to integrate the topics in architectural design and planning.
- In the design studio the students will chose one subject and one specific area among those selected by the lecturer in the city of Tallinn to apply the concept and newly learned techniques and methodologies of design to a project of building layout, facades or urban planning.
type of assessment in Estonian
Tudengid peavad osalema nii teoorialoengutes, kui ka vähemalt ¾-s tarkvara tundides. Vajadusel annab õppejõud õppematerjali iseseisvaks tööks. Praktilise töö tulemusena peab valmima projekt. Kursuse lõpus toimub eksam, mille käigus tudengid esitlevad oma projekti ja selgitavad selle valmimise etappe.
type of assessment in English
The students have to follow as much as possible the theoretical lectures (without a minimum request). It is requested to folow at least ¾ of the software lectures. If the student cannot follow some of the software lectures will be indicated by the lecturer study material for indipendent work (web tutorials or manuals).
at least 3/4 of the lectures. The students will have to attend as much as possible the studio lectures in a quantity necessary (min ¾) for the correct development of the project. At the end of the course there will be one exam in which the students will present their projects explaining the starting concepts and the target of the design, the process used in building the computational model, the performance simulation used and how these lead the final design.
independent study in Estonian
Praktilise töö tundides on vaja teha iseseisvat tööd. Selleks Vajalik tarkvara on tudengitele tasuta ja õppejõud annab juhised selle installeerimiseks.
independent study in English
Independent work is required to develop the project of the design studio. Necessary software available for free and information about installation will be given by the lecturer.
study literature
- Branko Kolarevic and Ali M. Malkawi, Performative Architecture: Beyond Instrumentality, Routledge, 2005.
- Michael Hensel, Performance-Oriented Architecture: Rethinking Architectural Design and the Built Environment, Wiley, 2013.
- Tomoko Sakamoto, From Control to Design: Parametric/Algorithmic Architecture, Actar, 2008.
- Branko Kolarevic and Kevin Klinger, Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture, Rouledge, 2008.
- Brown, G., Z. and DeKay, M., Sun, Wind and Light. Architectural Design Strategies, second edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA, 2001.
- Kjell Anderson, Design Energy Simulations for Architects. Guide to 3D Graphics, Rouledge, 2014.
- Darren Robinson, Computer Modelling for Sustainable Urban Design: Physical Principles, Methods and Applications, Earthscan Publications, 2011.
- Christoph Reinhart, Daylighting Handbook I. Fundamentals. Designing with the Sun, MIT Press, 2014.
- Mode Lab, The Grasshopper Primer, GitBook, 2015.
study forms and load
daytime study: weekly hours
session-based study work load (in a semester):