Study programme title in Est.
Integreeritud tehnoloogiad
Study programme title in Engl.
Integrated Engineering
TalTech study programme code
MER study programme code
Study programme version code
Faculty / college
E - School of Engineering
Head of study programme/study programme manager
Tauno Otto
Language of instruction
Study level
Bachelor study
Self-paid study programme
Nominal study period
6 semesters
Study programme group
Engineering, Manufacturing and Technology
Broad area of study
Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction
Study field
Engineering and engineering trades
Granting the right to conduct studies in the study programme group
õppe läbiviimise õigus
Validity date of the right to conduct studies in the study programme group
No. of the decision granting the right to teach in the study programme group
Access conditions
Secondary school leaving certificate or an equivalent recognised qualification.
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According to TalTech admission requirements.
Study programme aims and objectives
The program provides students with deep knowledge in digitalisation for productivity and smart manufacturing - Industry 4. Show more...
0 - sufficient to start activities in hi-tech industry or ICT firm with the intention of continuing education.
The program integrates knowledge from the fields of ICT, design, production, materials, logistics, robotics, and market-oriented economic subjects. Therefore, a bachelor in integrated engineering is ready to start engineering activities, as well as to continue his/her studies at a master's level.
Hence, the educational objectives of the curriculum areas are as follows:
- to provide an understanding of: social sciences, physics and engineering science fundamentals in the field of engineering to the extent required for starting to work in the field, as well as to continue studies at a master's level;
- to deliver special courses introducing mechanical engineering, materials, design, power engineering, automation, information- and communication technology;
- applying modern computing and information technology in the field;
- relying on foreign language sources and procuring information in the field.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
The graduate:
- is able to express itself in speciality in written and oral manner and is able to communicate at least in one foreign language;
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- can write and compile programs, including for industrial robots and CNC machine tools;
- can use industrial digitalisation and Industry 4.0 principles and methodologies for enhancing productivity;
- has knowledge how to use contemporary means of information technology and teamworking in everyday work;
- is able to take into part in engineering projects both in industry and R&D;
- can design new competitive environment friendly products, meeting the customers' expectations;
- knows how to use specific models to specify a system or process on the level of technological parameters, while creating and assessing alternative designs;
- has knowledge how to use the results obtained by the physical model for creation of an actual system or a process which would also comply to effective production requirements;
- has ability to critically assess the developed systems used in industry as well as own professional capability, and to plan the needed additional training.
Graduation requirements
Completion of the curriculum in the required amount, and the successful defence of the graduation paper in conformity with the requirements set by the TalTech Senate. Show more...
In order to obtain Cum Laude diploma the graduation paper must be defended for the grade "5" and the weighted average grade must be at least 4,60, where all grades from diploma supplement are taken into account.
Study programme version structure :
Module type
total ECTS credits