Study programme title in Est.
Ärindus, majandus ja valitsemine
Study programme title in Engl.
Business, Economics and Governance
TalTech study programme code
MER study programme code
Study programme version code
Faculty / college
M - School of Business and Governance
Head of study programme/study programme manager
Mari-Klara Stein, Tõnn Talpsepp, Ringa Raudla
Language of instruction
Estonian, English
Study level
Doctoral study
Self-paid study programme
Nominal study period
8 semesters
Study programme group
Business and Administration
Broad area of study
Business, Administration and Law
Study field
Business and administration
Curriculum group
Business and administration (broad programmes)
Access conditions
Master’s degree or equivalent qualification. Admission conditions and procedure for TalTech students.
Study programme aims and objectives
- provide extensive knowledge and research skills in the business, Show more...
economics and governance (BEG) specializations to individuals interested in pursuing a scholarly career in BEG fields or seeking career advancement in fields requiring a PhD degree;
- provide comprehensive research skills in social-science research in general and in BEG fields in particular;
- develop the abilities of students to carry out relevant and independent research;
- contribute to the quality of BEG fields in Estonia and Europe by starting and furthering academic and policy-relevant discussion of key issues;
- provide social competences and skills and an ability to adapt in rapidly changing world, incl actively contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
The graduate:
- has obtained a broad and systematic overview in his/her area of specialization;
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- defines complex and relevant research problems in his/her field of specialization, chooses appropriate research methods for solving them and critically assesses the quality of solutions;
- publishes research results in peer-reviewed high-quality international journals and proceedings;
- analyzes and evaluates social and ethical aspects related to his/her research field, the impact(s) of his/her studies on these aspects as well as outreach opportunities of his/her research results;
- analyzes the research results in his/her research field and properly communicates them to different types of audience;
- evaluates how his/her studies can contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. To the goals 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality), 8 (Decent work and economic growth), 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure), 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), 12 (Responsible consumption and production) and 17 (Partnerships for the goals) in particular.
Graduation requirements
Completion of the curriculum in the required amount, and the successful defence of the graduation paper in conformity with the requirements set by the TalTech Senate.
Degrees conferred
Doctor of Philosophy (Business), Doctor of Philosophy (Economics and Finance), Doctor of Philosophy (Public Policy and Innovation)
Study programme version structure :
Module type
total ECTS credits
Professional proficiency