Study programme title in Est.
Teedeehitus ja geodeesia
Study programme title in Engl.
Road Engineering and Geodesy
TalTech study programme code
MER study programme code
Study programme version code
Faculty / college
E - School of Engineering
Head of study programme/study programme manager
Mihkel Kask
Language of instruction
Study level
Engineering study
Self-paid study programme
Nominal study period
10 semesters
Study programme group
Architecture and Building
Broad area of study
Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction
Study field
Architecture and building
Curriculum group
Building and civil engineering works
Granting the right to conduct studies in the study programme group
õppe läbiviimise õigus
Validity date of the right to conduct studies in the study programme group
No. of the decision granting the right to teach in the study programme group
Access conditions
Secondary education or corresponding qualification in accordance with admission requirements of TalTech.
Study programme aims and objectives
Aim of the study program is to prepare specialists with a Master of Science (MSc. Show more...
) degree working in the road and bridge construction field of the construction domain and in the geodesy field of the geomatics domain who would correspond to level 7 requirements of the European Qualifications Framework for their knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for work.
Graduates of the main speciality „road and bridge engineering“ and „construction geodesy“ will be given the inital qualification of road engineer and geodesist respectively.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
A student who has completed the study program:
1.Has acquired Show more...
the general knowledge of road and bridge construction or geodesy theory and the most important aspects of ensuring sustainability and safety of constructions;
2.Can phrase the current issues of the selected main speciality (road and bridge engineering or construction geodesy) and knows the current developments both in the chosen field and the society;
3.Knowing the professional terminology, is able to analyse connections between different phenomena of the main speciality and the risks related to the work of a road engineer or a geodesist;
4.Has acquired the skill of basic argumentation on topics of the main speciality and is able to express oneself professionally in the study language and at least one foreign language;
5.Can evaluate his/her knowledge both of the construction field generally and the chosen main speciality specifically, estimates his/her own and others’ need for further training, professional growth and masters necessary skills for individual learning.
Graduation requirements
Completion of the curriculum in the required amount, and the successful defence of the graduation paper in conformity with the requirements set by the TalTech Senate. Show more...
In order to obtain Cum Laude diploma the graduation paper must be defended for the grade "5" and the weighted average grade must be at least 4,60, where all grades from diploma supplement are taken into account.
Degrees conferred
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Study programme version structure :
Module type
total ECTS credits