õppeaine eesmärgid eesti k
Õppeaine üldeesmärgid on: Tutvustada ja analüüsida sotsiaalteaduste arengu kohalt olulisi autoreid ja nende töid ja mõju.
õppeaine eesmärgid inglise k
General objectives of the subject are: to introduce and analyse the authors (and their texts) whose work has significantly influenced the development of social sciences. The course follows the Great Books curricula.
õppeaine õpiväljundid eesti k.
Õppeaine edukalt läbinud üliõpilane:
- Omab ülevaadet sotsiaalteaduste mõtteloo olulisematest autoritest ning nende seisukohtadest ja kontekstist, milles need kujunesid
- Analüüsib kursusel kasutatavaid tekste lähtuvalt nende mõjust sotsiaalteaduste arengule.
õppeaine õpiväljundid ingl k.
After successfully passing the subject the student:
- has on overview of the most relevant authors in the field of social sciences, their viewpoints and the context in which they developed.
- Analyses the impact of the texts on the development of social sciences.
õppeaine sisu lühikirjeldus eesti k
Kursus tugineb traditsioonilisele "suurte raamatute" tüüpi kursusele, keskendudes sotsiaalteaduste (ja selle kõrvaldistsipliinide) arengut mõjutanud autoritele ja seisukohtadele. Lisaks erinevate mõttemudelite analüüsile, vaadatakse sotsiaalteaduste kujunemislugu ka laiemast perspektiivist lähtudes.
õppeaine sisu lühikirjeldus ingl k
Description: This course stands in the tradition of the Great Books curricula, but it is focused on the social sciences (including neighboring disciplines) and on books also representative for crucial perspectives. Students will not only be familiarized with different ways of thinking and models of analysis, but they will also receive a tour d´horizon of the development of the social sciences. The aim is to cover three books per session; other works by the same author will always be included in the discussion, as well as context and impact. The selection of texts is furthermore based on all other classes in the curriculum, i.e. classics usually mentioned, but not explained in detail, elsewhere will be analyzed here in some depth – and texts covered in detail in other mandatory courses will not be covered. Finally, attention is also paid to at least some diversity as far as the authors are concerned. All books will be available in English; for longer books, students will be assigned cohesive selections.
hindamisviis eesti k
Essee, lõpueksam, osalus.
hindamisviis ingl k
Research paper, participation, exam
iseseisev töö eesti k
Essee, kohustuslike lugemismaterjalide läbitöötamine
iseseisev töö ingl k
Essay, reading
Al-Farabi, The City of God
Althusius, Politica
Arendt, Totalitäres Denken
Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics
Benhabib, Dignity in Adversity
Bücher, Arbeit und Rhythmus
Cassirer, Myth of the State
Castells, Communication Power
Clausewitz, Vom Kriege
Dror, Capacity to Govern
Fitzhugh, Cannibals All!
Fukuyama, The End of History
Habermas, Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit
Hegel, Philosophie des Rechts
Kant, Über den Gemeinspruch
Machiavelli, Il principe
Marsilius of Padua, Defensor pacis
Marx, Das Kapital III
Michels, Soziologie des Parteiwesens
Morgenthau, Politics among Nations
Nietzsche, Der Europäische Nihilismus
Ortega y Gasset, Revolt of the Masses
Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies
Putnam, Better together
Schmitt, Der Begriff des Politischen
Schumpeter, Business Cycles
Serra, Breve Trattato
Smith, The Wealth of Nations
Sombart, Der Moderne Kapitalismus
Strauss, Natural Law and History
Wang Anshi, Wan Yen Shu
õppevormid ja mahud
päevaõpe: nädalatunnid
sessioonõppe töömahud (semestris):